Thursday, January 26, 2006

W&OD&C&O (in Haiku, sorta)

markie and dog(mile 75)
the end of the ride
a medium sized black dog
sniffs markie's chamios

(mile 74)
waiting by the trail
a girl rides by and blushes
markie is peeing

(mile 63)
go on without me
i'm out of gas markie says
i try but i can't

Easy there, Markie

Staying hydrated(mile 50)
19 mph
on your left, on your left please
sorry, i meant right

(mile 35)
crossing the river
memories come back to me
i bonked here last year

(mile 34)
i.p.a. and stouts
pilsners, porters, and lagers
me and my root beer

Butch using a tire lever(mile 25)
fixing a flat tire
real men don't need levers
this is what butch says

(mile 1)
hills on custis trail
take it easy, zone 2 right?
not on the fixie

(mile 0)
spearman and donna
markie, butch, bill and me
in search of base miles

White's Ferry


Blogger gmr2048 said...

I love it! Great post.

2:26 PM

Blogger gwadzilla said...

there is a little method to the leverless system
some muscle
but there is a little bit of a trick
not unlike the old school chain tool and its ability to losen a tigh link
little known

great post
great ride
or so it sounds

8:21 PM


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