Just a nice day
Whew, where to start? I haven't been writing for a while but that doesn't mean nothin's happening. On the contrary, I've got a backlog of stuff that I'll try to get out in the next few days.
Last weekend started off like any other. We had a break from a few days of rain and gloomy skies so naturally Gina and I pack up the road bikes for our weekly spin up the Capitol Crescent path to Bethesda. As usual, I'm pulling Sagada on the trailer bike. It was a beautiful day, although a bit cold for a leisurely lunch at an outdoor table. The Cosi cafe is somewhat of a bike central on a nice day like this. I counted about six people in geeky bike clothes not including myself. On the way back to DC we had to stop at the waterfront and snap the obligatory dock picture. By the time Sagada is old enough to make this ride on her own, I think I will have snapped about a hundred of these waterfront shots.
Back at the cars we get ready to go to a Pumpkin carving party at Rick and Deb's place with some of Sagada's friends from school. Our pumpkins, which we got from our last trip to Homestead Farms, were already a few weeks old so Sagada and I wasted no time and got right to work with the knives. She was getting freaked out by all the scary pumpkin faces so I helped her carve a flower design instead. The party was a lot of fun. Good food, good company, lots of cute kids with sharp knives, and nobody lost an eye.
Everyone went home with something nice, but I found something extra special in my grab bag:
RickW found this beautiful old Colnago frame in a dumpster and passed it on to me. I haven't been able to identify the model. Someone threw it out because of a stuck seat post and I've decided to make it my winter project. So far, the post hasn't budged. I took it to the Bike Lane to get worked on but to no avail. I just wound up with a small hole in the seat tube from where the steel frame had fused to the aluminum post. I've decided to take a hacksaw to it and take it out in pieces. Come hell or high water I will get that seatpost unstuck and build this thing into a proper fixie. Progress reports to follow...